FREE Business Valuation!

And How It Fits Into Your Financial Plan

Free Business Valuation

Most business owners overestimate their business value by 50 to 200%. Yet over 80% plan to fund their retirement with the proceeds. And it is ridiculous for someone to create your financial plan without taking into account the value of your business.

No Cost!

Get a free valuation, including a 43-page valuation report (includes actual comps of what similar businesses like yours have sold for), at no cost, no-obligation (our way of introducing ourselves). It only takes about 40 minutes.

Click button below to schedule

How Does a Valuation Fit Into Your Financial Plan?

Business Valuation?

Unfortunately, if you ask your current financial planner how your business fits in… nothing. They only consider the income—but do not take into account its actual value. To do so requires training in business valuation and business risk assessment—but they don’t know how to do that. So you end up with an incomplete and inaccurate financial plan.


You may want to consider working with a Business Financial Planner (BFP). Especially one that can conduct a ballpark valuation and risk assessment… for FREE! (see free offer).

Introducing… Synergy Asset Management

Best Solution

There are FIVE main reasons to consider Synergy Asset Management

  1. Specializes in business owners – not a vanilla financial planner
  2. Provides business value and risk score – Free Valuation… No Cost
  3. Incorporate business risk score and value in creating your investment portfolio
  4. Includes proprietary Lifestyle Return Benchmark & Required Rate of Return
  5. All to produce the MOST holistic financial plan

Let’s consider each of these in detail


Leadership includes members of the industry’s top financial advisors, certified in every major discipline, including:

  • Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
  • Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA)
  • Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
  • Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC)
  • Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU)
  • Masters of Financial Services (MSFS)
  • Certified Mergers & Acquisitions (CM&AA)
  • Accredited in Business Appraisal Review (ABAR)
  • NASD (Series 4, 6, 7, 24, 63, and 65 securities )
  • Broker, life, health & disability license
  • National Association of Certified Valuators (NACVA) partner in business valuation systems

Five Reasons to Consider Synergy Asset Management

1) Specializes in working with business owners – not a “vanilla” financial planner

Synergy Asset Management has a background in financial planning, but also understands how your business works as an asset class (like stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.) , and has the tools and training necessary to value your business.—something most financial planners lack.

2) Provides business value and risk score – at NO cost

One of the initial assessments includes a ballpark business valuation that can be completed in about 40 minutes.

Detailed Valuation Report

The associated 40 plus page report draws from a database of over 49,000 business sale transactions (think MLS for businesses), to compare your business to what other companies within your industry sold for.

Risk Score

As an additional benefit, the valuation report also generates a risk score. This is the fastest indicator of the overall effectiveness, health and value of your business. If your business is in the healthy range, your fine—if not, this score will tell you if there a problem. This is like a business “blood pressure” test that can actually be used to increase your revenue, net and your business value.

Your Business Value

The valuation report determines what your business is worth—critical for both current planning and retirement. You simply can’t make a complete financial plan without knowing what your business is worth.

3) Incorporate business risk score and value in creating your investment portfolio

Once you have your risk score and business value, it can be used to create your ideal investment portfolio. You hear financial planners always talk about investment “risk”, but you never hear about business “risk”, and it’s a vital component of creating the right investment portfolio.

Your investment portfolio should also consider the gap between where you are, versus where you need to be to obtain your financial goals now and in retirement.

4) Includes proprietary Lifestyle Return Benchmark™ (LRB) & Required Rate of Return (RRR)

You will then calculate your LRP and RRR.

Lifestyle Return Benchmark ™

This is the rate of return your investment portfolio needs to achieve your lifestyle goals and aspiration.

Required Rate of Return

This takes into account your desired spending, risk willingness, risk ability and calculates your return requirement (including current age, lifestyle spending levels, and life expectancy).

5) All to produce the MOST holistic financial plan

Most financial planners incorporate the major areas like your estate, real estate, taxes, insurance, and investment planning—but they totally miss how your business risk and value impact all of these areas. Until now!

What’s Holding You Back?

Now that you can see the advantages of working with Synergy Asset Management, what’s holding you back. Following are common questions:

My current financial advisor seems to be doing just fine

That’s great, although it is impossible to create an accurate financial plan, without considering the value of the business and its risk. Fortunately, we offer the 38-page valuation report including your risk score for free—and it only takes about 40 minutes. You have nothing to lose.

Why are you doing the valuation & risk score for free?

This is our way of introducing our services—there is no obligation. If we can help you in other ways, great—if not, keep us in mind. Regardless, the valuable 38-page report is yours to keep… it’s a great resource.  You may also be surprised what other businesses in your industry are selling for.

Why hasn’t anyone else talked to me about this before?

Most financial planners have never been trained to look at businesses as an asset class, which includes valuing the business and determining the risk score–so they only consider business income—which makes their financial plan incomplete.

Picture This

You decided to get your Free ballpark valuation and risk score. It became immediately obvious how your business value and risk affect your financial plan. For one, your business was worth less than you thought. Since the valuation report showed what other businesses in your industry already sold for, it provides you with a high-level roadmap to improving your business value.

It might take some work to get to where you want to be, but you’ll have a much more accurate picture, and you have the peace of mind knowing your plan is much more complete, accurate, and more attainable.

Life is Good!

What Next?

Call us at or click the red button to set up a FREE valuation of your business–takes about 40 minutes.

The valuation includes a 40+ page report. And again–no obligation (my way of introducing our services whether needed now or in the future).

Talk soon!


Synergy Asset Management, LLC
13231 SE 36th Street #215
Bellevue, Washington 98006
Office: (206)-386-5455

We also service the following cities: CITY, CITY1, CITY2, CITY4